Church life
Church life
Getting Involved
Even though From the Heart is a big church, you experience the family atmosphere of the ministry once you get involved in the life of the church. From the Heart is a dynamic, productive church and we have involvement opportunities for everyone, no matter their state in life. Our church is alive and our perfected members understand the importance of using their God-given gifts within the local church. We have been taught that each one of us has a share (each joint supplies the need of another according to Ephesians 4:16) that is important, sufficient and necessary.
Getting involved in the life of the church allows our members to become firmly fixed in the church. This makes the difference in the spiritual growth and development of many due to the reinforcement of what is taught from the pulpit though ministry activity, godly fellowship, volunteer work, church-wide activities and enrichment retreats. From the Heart has over 50 volunteer ministries, a Christian School and full-service Credit Union, all designed to meet the needs of our congregation.
“You have a share, it is important, it is sufficient and it is necessary”

Infrastructure Ministries
These ministries are designed to support the Office of the Pastor in the three-fold instruction from God to teach the Word, reform the Church, and build the Infrastructure. There are seven areas within the Infrastructure Ministries, including the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Knowledge, Ministry of Exhortation, Ministry of Business Services, Ministry of Prosperity, Ministry of Health & Healing and the Perfecting Ministry.

Membership Care & Service Ministries
These ministries are designed to meet the specific needs of our members, both spiritually and naturally. There are four areas within the Membership Care Ministries, including the Membership Care Ministry, Health and Recovery Ministry, New Converts Ministry and New Members Ministry.

Perfecting Ministries
These ministries are designed to perfect and increase the knowledge of From the Heart members. There are three areas within the Perfecting Ministries, including the Children Ministries, Youth Ministries and Adult Ministries.

Service Ministries
These ministries are designed to provide the necessary support and assistance to the Pastor spiritually, administratively and financially in spreading the Gospel worldwide. These ministries allow members the opportunity to use their God-given gifts and talents in a manner that glorifies God. The Service Ministries consist of the Support Ministries, Helps Ministries and Outreach Ministries.

Music Ministries
The Music Ministries are designed to edify and encourage the membership of FTHCM, in specific, and the Body of Christ in general through music. These ministries are essential in helping to set and maintain an atmosphere of worship during worship services.

Area Fellowships
Area Fellowships are an extension component of the Membership Care Ministry. Area Fellowships are held within our neighborhoods and are intended to encourage members of the Church to know and care for one another.

Church Activities
We conduct a number of church-wide events throughout the year. The purpose of these activities is to bring our church family together in oneness through fun and fellowship, and to lift up the name of Jesus. Additionally, several of these events are designed to foster an environment where we can share our faith and the love of Jesus Christ with our neighboring communities.
Credit Union
In July of 2001, the None Suffer Lack Federal Credit Union received it’s charter from the National Credit Union Administration. Products include mortgage loans, automobile loans, personal loans, debt consolidation loans, direct deposit, share savings and share draft checking. The official website is
Christian School
From the Heart Christian School is a private institution which has the Word of God as its spiritual foundation and the Common Core College and Career Readiness Standards as its academic grounding. At all grade levels, instruction integrates biblical and spiritual principles taught at From the Heart Church Ministries®. Students are also equipped with the academic tools necessary for competing both nationally and internationally in any educational venue. All courses meet rigorous academic standards and are uniquely designed to assist students in seeing societal issues and life’s challenges from God’s perspective.

Enrichment Retreats
The Enrichment Retreats consist of three main events, Women of God Lifegivers Retreat, Marriage Enrichment Retreat and the Men’s Retreat. The Women of God Lifegivers Retreat is an ideal time for likeminded women to enjoy Christian fellowship and personal devotion in an uplifting environment. Our Marriage Enrichment Retreat is a refreshing getaway to a beautiful locale where married couples can enjoy each other while using Godly teachings to emphasize excellence in their marriages. The annual Men’s Retreat is a powerful retreat designed to strengthen the Men of God in righteousness. It is an undistracted time for us to hear the Word of God and receive instructions on how to be who God has called us to be as men. For more information click here.

Volunteer Ministries
From the Heart Church Ministries® is a warm and friendly church with many volunteer ministries that allow members to express their gifts and talents in service to the Lord. Ministries are instituted as needs are identified either from proposals written by the membership or at the Pastor’s request. All church ministries help to eradicate members needs so that all that believe and are on one accord would not suffer lack in any area of their life.